The six associations in FETA have various long term topics that they deal with. Brief details of those ‘specialist topics’ will be listed below.
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
The interest in Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) has become a matter for increasing concern. Many issues play a part in affecting indoor air quality. The list includes temperature, fresh air flow, air filtration, humidity, lighting, external air quality, building fabric, furniture and maintenance and management of mechanical ventilation and air conditioning systems. It is important that the part played by all these and other possible elements is appreciated by those with an interest in good indoor air quality.
More Information
Fact Sheet 1: Frequently Asked Questions
Fact Sheet 2: IAQ, Health & the Indoor Environment
Fact Sheet 3: IAQ & Asthma
Fact Sheet 4: Indoor Air Quality, Global warming and Energy Efficiency
Fact Sheet 5: Selecting HEVAC Equipment with Indoor Quality in Mind
Fact Sheet 6: Sick Building Syndrome, and the importance of maintaining IAQ equipment properly
HEVAC takes the IAQ initiative
Now HEVAC, the Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Association has taken up the challenge of promoting good Indoor Air Quality. It will be seeking to open up the debate on the topic of IAQ in the media, and encouraging all those with an interest in IAQ - employers, architects, building owners and users, developers, facility managers, health and safety officers and letting agents to gain access to the facts quickly and easily.
Opening up the debate
A three part operational programme will open up the IAQ debate, and encourage the move towards better air quality.
IAQ...at first...
To start with the initiative will implement an awareness campaign, which will include a communications programme that will focus on information provision. This will throw open the debate to all parties with an interest in IAQ.
To follow...
The second part of the strategy will involve a collaborative phase, in which HEVAC plans to form working associations and bring its members closer to IAQ research projects currently being carried out.
The third and most crucial phase of the initiative will be an educational strategy that will broaden the debate and give rise to the implementation of seminars and workshops.
The initiative will publish a selection of bulletins and documentation for HEVAC members and all those concerned with IAQ. This information will be current, objective and topical, bringing to light the available choices that can be made up by companies and organisations seeking to improve the indoor working environment.
IAQ - what is wanted
The latest research shows that the vast majority of people in offices want to work in clean, fresh, pure air. Many individuals with decision-making powers still feel uncertain about whether mechanical ventilation and full air conditioning is healthy. They also want to know about its impact on energy use and the environment and if such issues as sick building syndrome play a part in the subject of IAQ. The time has arrived to establish what is going on and specify precisely what is and what is not good for people in work and living places of all kinds - commercial, industrial, domestic, government, hospitals and of course places of leisure.
HEVAC, which is the building services division of FETA (the Federation of Environmental Trade Associations) represents companies involved in supplying heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems and equipment for all domestic, commercial, industrial, government and public utilities.
HEVAC's Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Initiative has been formed specifically to promote the benefits of good quality indoor air. It will achieve this goal by creating a more wide-spread understanding of the conditions and constituents of good indoor air quality and by underlining the problems that can be encountered if these key elements are not employed.