The six associations in FETA have various long term topics that they deal with. Brief details of those ‘specialist topics’ will be listed below.

BRA CO2 Short Courses

BRA CO2 Course centres

The following centres are able to offer the short training course in CO2 retail refrigeration service & maintenance. Contact details of the centres are in the listing below.  

Cool Concerns Ltd

Unit 5, Duddage Business Park
Brockeridge Road
Tewkesbury GL20 6BY
Tel: +44 (0) 1684 290333
Stephen Benton and Jane Gartshore

Eastleigh College/DCI refrigeration

Warrior Business Centre
Fitzherbert Road
Hampshire PO6 1TX

Bookings via Eastleigh College through  :  www.eastleigh.ac.uk

EPTA Training Centre

George Barker & Co. (Leeds) Ltd
Highfield Works
Highfield Road
Bradford BD10 8RU
Tel. +44 (0) 1274 703200
Jon Sheehan

Energy Training Hub

Unit 8C1, Maybrook Business Park
Maybrook Road
Sutton Coldfield
B76 1AL

Michelle Edwards or Rachel Allen on 0800 028 7420.

Email: info@energytraininghub.co.uk

Enhanced Capital Allowance Scheme

Companies from Several BRA sections are using the UK Government's Enhanced Capital Allowance Scheme (ECAs) for their products.

The criteria can be found via the DEFRA website at